One of the great potentials of being networked is to use that for voice and video communication also. Murmur/Mumble is a conferencing server/client that would be great to have in I2P. I just found out there has already been one.

On the new wiki there is a page on Mumble. User TronDev announces a working version there. As I have Mumble installed anyways (using it on my own server on the ClearNet), that catched my attention. So I tried to follow the instructions on the page. I did not add the address to my address book though and instead but the b32-address into the tunnel. That just gives me an error on the address though:


  • Could not resolve 66lung2ry4mofu3vyp4ccnjmgdyyr557qvoolxdrpqidheci5dfq.b32.i2p, perhaps it is not up, will retry when connecting.

I started restarting the tunnel a few times without any difference. The wiki page explicitly states

Service restored 2015-01 (keys have changed)

But well … Will need to check if I messed it up by using the address in the wrong way and just need to have that mapping to voice.trondev.i2p?