Yesterday speed-classes of routers were mentioned in IRC. When asking where to check I was pointed to Router Console > General > Local Identity and the show link there. This is where you get caps = OfR or alike.

But what does that actually mean? I did a search on this yesterday but wasn’t able to find anything. Caps in the sense of Caps Lock were found instead of the Capability Flags that are meant here. The documentation on this is on the page for the network database.

If you are interested but don’t want to jump there now, they currently (as of I2P v0.9.22) mean:

caps (Capabilities flags - used to indicate floodfill participation, approximate bandwidth, and perceived reachability)

    f: Floodfill
    H: Hidden
    K: Under 12 KBps shared bandwidth
    L: 12 - 32 KBps shared bandwidth (default)
    M: 32 - 64 KBps shared bandwidth
    N: 64 - 128 KBps shared bandwidth
    O: 128 - 256 KBps shared bandwidth
    P: 256 - 2000 KBps shared bandwidth (as of release 0.9.20)
    R: Reachable
    U: Unreachable
    X: Over 2000 KBps shared bandwidth (as of release 0.9.20)

So the OfR from above means that router is reachable, is acting as a floodfill participant and has 128-256 KBps shared bandwidth. I’ve noticed routers can be assigned two of the speed-classes at once, like in “PO”, which indicates the classes 128-256 and 256-2000. I haven’t found out what that is about, yet.


I asked about the dual-classes in irc. echelon responded that they should actually be exclusive. Although he mentioned X would be special somehow and might be assigned additionally. This is not explained in the documentation page, though. But maybe it’s not really important either … I asked if it’s worth creating a ticket or something and was told to do so. So here we go, my first ticket on the official bug-tracker. Hope I got that right …