Blog Postings

  • Raspberry Pi with a Switch

    I thought connecting a switch to a raspberry would be a simple task. It took me several days of trying around to finally get it to work properly. Thinking I might need this information again (and maybe others too?), I decided to go and write my findings down as a little how-to.

  • Owncloud / remote sync with self-signed certificates

    I have been trying to figure out how to build a personal information infrastructure based on open-source projects. The idea is to have a cloud based at ones own home. As a part of this, here is how to make Owncloud work with self-signed certificates.

  • Reducing SNMP Logging

    The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is not simple, but a very helpful framework. I might go into the details at another time, but here some notes on how to reduce the logging when it gets annoying.

  • Package Management - apt to unify apt-get, apt-cache, and dpkg

    I have been using apt-get and apt-cache a lot over the years. But I never really got used to having to use different commands. Now it seems the management tasks have finally found a common home: apt.

  • I2P Update and Reporting Problems

    Had some strange things happening within the last update of I2P. The router console didn’t come up after the update, which made me think router wouldn’t be running. Here’s what happened ….

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